First encounters of receiving summative assessment feedback in audio format: expectations and experiences of final year undergraduate sport coaching students


Research suggests traditional written feedback may fail to adequately engage significant numbers of current higher education (HE) students. In recent years, university cohorts across wide-ranging disciplines have embraced audio feedback favourably, viewing it as a valuable strategy for enhancing capacity to learn confidently, competently and autonomously. Current understanding of audio feedback effectiveness with sports coaching students is limited, which is surprising considering coaching is an area where effective feedback provision is fundamental to athlete learning, motivation and progression. Employing surveys and semi-structured interviews, this study provides insight into the expectations and experiences of an undergraduate sport coaching cohort at a United Kingdom (UK) university after receiving summative assessment audio feedback for the first time. Student views were positively framed, providing strong evidence of the approaches value in supporting feedback literacy development and feeding forward. Implications to aid future practice and policy are discussed.




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