Future-proofing university teaching: An Australian case study of postgraduate teacher preparation


This case study of an award winning Postgraduate Teaching Internship Scheme describes how it operates in order to share good practice and facilitate similar innovations elsewhere. In particular, it explores the degree to which the Internship Scheme is embedded in faculty and school/department processes to ensure sustainable outcomes and it assesses the ripple effect through which postgraduate students might positively influence teaching in the university more broadly. The case study also explores the pedagogies that inform the Internship Scheme to show how the organisation of the program models the constructivist learning theory and work-integrated approaches, which are espoused in the program as good practice for adult learners. The analysis of the case study gives voice to postgraduate students showing how they experience the outcomes of the Scheme. Their words reveal what works, as well as barriers encountered, with particular reference to the change leadership potential of the Scheme. The conclusion is that changing the priorities of the professoriate in a research-intensive university is no easy task. However, preparing postgraduates to teach though well-structured, scholarly programs that challenge the status quo and encourage a reflective and critical approach to their practice is one way of moving forward.
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