Welcome to the fourth edition of Practice and Evidence of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (PESTLHE). This journal offers an opportunity for those involved in University learning and teaching to disseminate their practice. It publishes accounts of scholarly practice that report on small-scale practitioner research and case studies of practice that have a focus on enhancement of student learning.
The main themes of this edition are peer assisted learning, development of reusable learning objects material, a comprehensive approach to supporting the induction of nurses in their first year of study and the use of interviews as a vehicle for providing feedback to students. In this edition we have indicated on the papers whether they are typical of the two submission types we accept, i.e. works in progress or fuller articles.
Smith, May and Burke explore how peer assisted learning was received by students and mentees and the lessons learnt that enabled a school to enhance its support of undergraduate students. Wylde takes a novel approach to identifying the academic writing strengths of students and how aspects of a reusable learning object could help students to improve their writing skills. Andrew et al. describe one institution’s approach to supporting the academic skill development of over 600 first year nursing students promoting enhanced theory/practice integration. These three papers are examples of fuller articles that this journal accepts. Tatner describes how providing students with feedback whilst meeting with their advisor around their portfolio of work has allowed a route to reviewing their progress as well giving an opportunity for the advisor to give advice on how they can improve their grades and individual targets set. This is an example of a work in progress contribution.
There are opportunities to share discussions and comments regarding works in progress or full articles with other readers and the authors through the journal site (www.pestlhe.org.uk).
We are delighted to announce that the April 2008 edition will be a special issue on enquiry-based learning. The deadline for articles to be considered for this issue is January 15th 2008. This edition will include a guest-editorial from Professor Vicki Remenda who is the Queen's Chair in Teaching and Learning (2006-09) focusing on Inquiry as well as an Associate Professor in the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering, Queens University, Canada
Jane Pritchard, Sarah Mann and Bob Matthew
Learning & Teaching Centre
Southpark House
University of Glasgow
G12 8QQ